Moving to Charlotte New Job? By Choice?

People move to the Charlotte area for lots of reasons. Recent grads come for the good paying jobs in finance and tech, health and other services. Execs come to join one of the many corporate headquarters, most recently Honeywell and the combined but unamed BBT and Suntrust merged entitiy. There are many regional headquarters located here, such as Siemens, TIAA, ALLY Bank, and a host of other companie who make their home here. Charlotte is a pro-business town in a pro business state! Are you one? Get our Relocation Guide Now!
Still others move here by choice, like my family did back in the 1990’s. My assistant, Kelley Ivory and her husband just moved two years ago from the New York City area too. I’ve helped more than 50 families re-locate to Charlotte for some reason other than work. Most come with “portable” jobs. Some came for the weather. Some come for the lifestyle- better weather means more outside play, be it by the lake, or just in the woods.
My wife and I grew up in the Maryland suburbs of Washington DC, moved to Hoboken NJ for graduate school, and then brought four young children and our beautiful dog, a husky-shepard mix…
Here is a bit on my families relocation story, and quite a lot about Charlotte. It is older, but still popular with over 100,000 views, and things have only gotten better.
If you are moving, or considering a move to Charlotte, here is our relocation guide, full of useful information to help you get started.
Considering the Lake Norman Area?
We can help you move here too! We love the lakes, and our relocation experience extends the breadth and lenght of Lake Norman, all the way to the southern tip of Lake Wylie. The larger Lake Norman is featured in the video below- Here’s a quick tour from the lake!
Stay Tuned, we’ll have more relocation information when we get it!
Here are a few home searches to check out, sorted by most popular homes:
Magnificent Sedgefield (12 minutes to Uptown)
Myers Park Homes Over $1Million