Families Moving to Charlotte face a BIG Question…
Moving to Charlotte from another state, the BIG question is always something like, “Where do people like me, or families like us, want to live?” For a discussion of the different areas, the local towns and the suburbs, I designed my relocation page to help answer that Big Question. Check it out at: http://charlottecommunities.net/Relocation.htm
What about schools? Every family wants the best for their children, and I raqised four childrne inboth public and private schools. See pictures, test scores and more at our public and private schools: http://www.charlottecommunities.net/about_our_schools.htm
What is there to do around Charlotte for fun? You€™ll like my Fun Stuff, Cool Stuff page at: http://wwwcharlottecommunities.net/fun_stuff.htm
There are lots of great family and business links, at my Great Link page: http://charlottecommunities.net/GreatLinks.htm Mom’s especially will like the links to Mom’s groups of all stripes. Business men and women will like the direct conection to the Chamber, Help Wanteds and other leading civic websites.
How about our low tax rates? If you are from Long Island, New Jersey or Conneticut– sit down before you read them! You will find them All (I think) here at: http://www.charlottecommunities.net/local_tax_rates.htm
At any time if you€™d like to look at homes simply click the search page and you will be returned to my Search Site (www.TerryMcDonaldRE.com) and away you€™ll go- or Call me and we’ll find some time to go see them.